Preparing for Cumbria Wildlife Trust summer beach art event
I got the chance to see Dumfries and Galloway from 'the other side' recently when went over to the South side of the Solway. It wanted to meet up with the Cumbria Wildlife Trust Trainee Marine and Coastal Conservation Officers at St Bees to discuss an event they are holding later in the Summer.
I had a great time checking out the sand and raking some patterns, it is a perfect for it. While I was raking some patterns I got some slightly strange looks from people out walking their dogs, some dogs even came over to join in. I got a lot done as the tide was out and the trainee I was meeting was visiting lots of places on the caost before meeting me, she joined in when she arrived trying out her raking skills.
One of the things I like about sand art is that it is transitory and after a while the art is washed away returning the beach to normal. We were so intent in what we were doing and chatting we forgot about the tide just getting of the beach in time otherwise it would not have just been the sand art that got washed away